The discovery would have been better if we’d been more prepared
At the end of a discovery phase, our clients almost always say they wish they had been better prepared. We…
Why you should involve clients in research planning from day one (if you can)
We put a lot of effort into research planning. But often, we do this in order to write a proposal,…
The importance of defining problems
We recently had to think very hard about how to define the problems our work was designed to solve, during…
The end of my sabbatical
After 10 years it was time to recharge and get inspired tinkering around with tech.
Benchmarking incumbent services through indicative service assessments
As part of a recent Discovery project, we used our research findings to carry out an indicative service assessment of an incumbent service.
The voice of the user: creating opportunities for service teams to hear directly from research participants
User research is all about understanding the user experience and ensuring the voice of the user is heard, so it…
How we’re streamlining the way we book in research participants
I’m sure it won’t come as a surprise to anyone with experience of booking participants for research sessions that this…
Expertise versus experience: which one is the best?
Lagom is a team of proper experts. 50% of our team have PhDs to prove it. And we have a…
Can ChatGPT help to articulate user needs?
We have recently been thinking about the way in which AI can allow us to deliver more value to our…
It’s great to see the NHS England knowledge team making good use of Lagom research (and working in the open)
I really like it when our clients want to work in the open, and talk about our work with them…