
Adam Spencer 05/11/2021

So long, farewell, ASC-WDS, goodbye!

If you’ve ever heard a statistic reported in the news about England’s adult social care workforce, I’d bet money that…

Helen Taylor 04/11/2021

Why 8 weeks for a Discovery might not be enough?

From my experience of running over 30 GDS aligned Discoveries within the public sector, I have seen many cases where discovery projects may need to be longer than eight weeks. 

John Gribbin 01/10/2021

Using Miro as a project whiteboard

I recently saw an image that described discovery phase work as making a miro board until it’s completely incomprehensible and…

John Gribbin 18/06/2021

Reflecting on a year of working under Covid-19 restraints

At a recent team day, we sat down and reflected on the ways in which our working practices have changed - thinking about the things we want to keep once the pandemic is over and things that we might want to bring back into our workflow.