Case Studies
Discovery, user research and content auditing the RAF Air Cadets site
The RAF Air Cadets is an inclusive organisation for young people. They offer personal and professional development through a range…
User research, auditing content, and top task analysis for the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre)
The Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre) aim to reduce the impact of child sexual abuse through…
User research about e-books in healthcare, for the five nations
We were asked by Health Education England knowledge and library service to undertake user research about the use of…
Private beta phase user research on Health Education England’s genomics resource for clinicians
We were asked by Health Education England’s Genomics Education Programme to carry out user research into the usability of…
Discovery about recruitment and retention resources for Skills for Care
We were asked to conduct a programme of research into how social care employers could be supported by Skills for…
User research on Health Education England's social media audiences
Working in collaboration with Helpful Digital, we were asked to look into who Health Education England’s social media audiences…
Alpha phase for the adult social care Workforce Development Fund, for Skills for Care
An alpha phase to explore possible improvements to the Workforce Development Fund claims process
Discovery on trainee information systems for the National School of Healthcare Science
We were appointed by the National School of Healthcare Science to conduct discovery research to help inform the procurement of…
Alpha phase user research on a workforce hub for adult social care employees
We were asked by the Department of Health and Social Care and Skills for Care to conduct the user research…
A discovery about the possibility of a register of the adult social care workforce in England
We ran an epic-level discovery about the possibility of a voluntary, employee-led register of the adult social care workforce in…