You can buy 3 things from Lagom: user research, a discovery phase, or a concept.
I know this because we’ve just made some changes to our own website, and that’s what it now says.
We’ve changed a bunch of stuff in fact, including the typeface we’re using in our proposals, the slide templates we’re using in our presentations, and the colours we’re using in our graphs.
We’ve changed them because our business has changed. We’re doing different things, in different ways, with different people, and we wanted the tools we use to reflect that.
And of course, we are often in the business of advising our clients how to use their digital tools to best effect. So it’s probably wise for us to apply our method to ourselves occasionally, and make sure that our own tools reflect what we tell others to do.
It’s been an interesting process, and not straightforward. It’s forced us to confront some big decisions about the type of business we are. It took us quite a while to get to “We conduct user research, run discovery phases, and develop concepts for UK public sector digital services.”
It’s a thing we often see in the work we do for clients. They ask us to do user research about a particular digital service, and in doing so we stumble upon deeper, more fundamental issues about their work. Sometimes this is unexpected, but it’s usually a good thing.
For us, fixing our website has forced us to think hard about the things that clients are paying us to do now, and what we want to be paid to do in the future.
We’re pleased with the result. Thank you to everyone who took part in our user research, or provided some words for a case study. And thanks to adozeneggs who actually designed and built it.
So we’ve got a new website. It has already helped us to clarify to each other what we do, and I hope it does the same for others. And if you want to buy user research, a discovery phase or a concept, you know where we are.